Google Summer of Code’ 17 with phpMyAdmin – Summary

This post summarizes the work done and tasks accomplished during the last twelve weeks. It was carried out as a part of Google Summer of Code 2017 with phpMyAdmin.

The project involved two separate sub-lists of tasks, one related to phpMyAdmin’s Error Reporting Server and the other related to phpMyAdmin’s selenium test-suite.

Tasks related to Error Reporting Server:

  1. Use cleaner syntax for control structures in views:
  2. Allow reports search by filename:
  3. Sanitize versions in reports:
  4. Simplify issue state:
  5. Improve generated issues content:
  6. Provide email notification for new reports:
  7. Read-only public interface:
  8. Follow linked Github-issue state:


Tasks related to selenium testing:

  1. Fix database-related selenium tests
  2. Fix selenium tests related to Login, Normalization, ChangePassword, ServerSettings
  3. Fix selenium tests related to Table, Export, XSS, Tracking
  4. Fix import-related selenium tests
  5. Add tests for typing and executing SQL query on phpMyAdmin
  6. Add tests for Query-by-example UI in phpMyAdmin
  7. Fix random failures in selenium tests
  8. Minor refactoring in selenium tests

Weekly reports

The detailed weekly reports are available on this blog at the following links:

  1. Week 1:
  2. Week 2:
  3. Week 3:
  4. Week 4:
  5. Week 5:
  6. Week 6:
  7. Week 7:
  8. Week 8:
  9. Week 9:
  10. Week 10-11:
  11. Week 12:


The project led to a few good improvements to phpMyAdmin’s error reporting server, which I hope would make it more developer-friendly and the public interface would help more non-team contributors in fixing the errors reported on it.

phpMyAdmin’s selenium test-suite has finally stabilized in green (i.e. passing), albeit some errors popping up once in about ten runs. I do hope to fix these as they are encountered. Improvement in selenium test-suite and moving it out of allowed failures in Travis has already started to show its impact as we could track a few errors introduced while refactoring. These would otherwise be missed as the refactored code was not well-covered by the unit tests.

Finally, it has been another wonderful summer working with phpMyAdmin and its wonderful community. I would like to thank my mentor, Michal Čihař and the entire phpMyAdmin team, for their continued support throughout this project.

About Deven Bansod

I am a recent graduate with a dual degree in B.E.(Hons.) Computer Science Engg. and M.Sc.(Hons.) Economics from BITS Pilani, Pilani (India). I am interested in and have been contributing to development of free and open source software s (FOSS). More recently, I have been contributing to phpMyAdmin, a web interface to MySQL, written in PHP. I'm looking for opportunities to contribute to interesting open-source softwares.

Posted on August 26, 2017, in Development, GSoC 2017, phpMyAdmin and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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